Upstate NY Babies

Weekly menus?

What are you ladies making this week? Don't forget to link any yummy recipes you're using!

M: just me and E....  I just took out a piece of salmon for us to split, which I'll probably make a balsamic glaze for. I'll steam up some broccoli too.

T: going to my parents, DH works late agian

W: marinated chiavettas chicken on the grill, sweet potatoes and a veggie

Th: baked ziti sauteed zucchini and salads

F: FIL, his gf and DH's youngest brother are coming in town. FIL is a butcher, so he is bringing a bunch of steaks and some other meats to have a cookout. I'll probably make a pasta/spinach salad w/ roasted red pepper vinaigrette and loaded baked potato salad along w/ something for dessert.

Sat: probably out to eat w/ our OOT guests

Sun: birthday dinner for my dad

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