Pregnant after IF

Advice on LFP

Good morning! It is now 4:30am and I can't sleep so I thought I would ask for your experienced advice. I'm currently 13dpiui. I poas yesterday (in the middle of the day) and got a very faint positive (dh confirmed I wasn't seeing things). Last night I started to feel really sick to my stomach so I've been up off and on all night. I just got up and tested again (so 1st morning pee) and again I have a very faint positive. These were two different kinds of tests also. Did this happen to any of you? I want to be excited but also dont want to be disappointed. Thanks for your advice on my Little Faint Positive!
12/09- DH dx Azoo 2/23/10- DH's ultrasound and FSH show normal results but no sperm! 3/10- 1st RE appt 4/12/11- d-iui #1 4/25- BFP!!! Still in shock! BabyFruit Ticker
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