Upstate NY Babies

Update-Ever woken lo up in the middle of the night?

DD fell off the slide in our basement.  It is about 3 feet tall and she fell of backward, hitting the back of her head.  We do have that area carpeted with a thin pad.  She cried hard, but I was able to get her to stop within a minute.  She has actually cried harder and longer over me taking away a toy or something trivial like that.

But about 10 minutes later she threw up.

So I called the on call.  She is acting normal.  Eyes look normal.  But they said in any head impacts they say to wake the child up 2 hrs after they fall asleep to see if they are acting and responding normally.  And to do the same thing again tomorrow night.

Have you ever had to do it?  How hard is it to get them back to sleep?  DH doesn't even think I should since she doesn't have a bump since the floor is padded and is acting fine.  I am torn since I do think she is fine, but there is always the "what if?".

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