Pregnant after IF

Moving across the country... WWYD?

G and I live on the other side of the country from all of our family members.  We are very homesick and have always said that as soon as we get pregnant or adopt a baby we will move back home.  The only trouble is that we are trying to figure out timing.  His job is very portable, and I *think* mine is too, but it would involve me asking for a transfer to another office location.  I work for a national company so I know there is mobility, but are they really going to let me move before I take a year long mat leave? 

The plan so far is that we will list our house in June, hoping to close in September, and in July / August purchase a house back home to close at the end of September, and then at the end of September we move back home (1 month before due date) and I take that whole month off as my vacation (I get 1 month per year, and will accrue another month of vacation on mat leave that I will be required to take, so actually will get 14 months off) and then hopefully they will let me start back from mat leave in the new office location.  That gives me the month to rest and help get the house ready, although G is claiming I will not be allowed to lift a single thing during the move.

Are we nuts?  Is that a crazy plan?  I feel like I really want to do the move pregnant vs. having an infant and it would be SO nice to deliver back in the town we grew up in and have all our family around. 

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