Pregnant after IF

Sam's birth story (very long) and psip

Hi ladies!  I feel like I've missed so much this past week and can't wait to catch up! Just wanted to share Sam's birth story and some pics.  I'm sitting here with a beautiful little girl in my arms, so please forgive any typos. :)

Last Wednesday I had an energy boost.  Ever since being off bed rest, I've been trying to get as much exercise or movement in as I could get.  So I took my dog Abby for a walk around my property, and my MIL and I went to Home Depot to get some herbs to plant.  We got home around 2:30 and I had some lunch (thank god I did since my appetite as been so off).  I went to the bathroom around 4 and when I stood up, pulled my pants up (sorry if TMI) I felt this GUSH.  I didn't know if I hadn't emptied my bladder enough so I called my OB and she said I should go in.  She asked if I could stop the flow and I said no, so off to the hospital I went.

We arrived around 6, after I finished loading the car, and met my DH there since he was still at work.  I got checked and I was only .5 to 1cm dialated.  Ugh.  My water did break, so I was stuck to the bed.  They started the pitocin and had my first real contraction around 9.  Around 2am, the night nurse checked me again and still nada.  She asked if I wanted an epi and I couldn't turn it down.  Around 4am I got my epi and so such sweet relief.  Checked again....and my night nurse said I was 7-8 cm! WOO HOO!  They let me labor until my OB came in around 7am.  When she checked me, I was still only 1 cm.  She kinda yelled at my night nurse and asked what was she feeling.  They never upped my pitocin because they thought I was further along.  I was so happy when they switched shifts, my new nurse was amazing!!!

They kept upping my pitocin, and by 4pm (24hrs after my water broke) I was only 5cm.  At this point, I was getting a hot spot around my tailbone, and realized I was in back labor.  Awesome.  My nurse wanted me to flop around and switch sides. I asked if I could get on my hands and knees to try and get her off my tailbone.  She said of course and with every contraction my DH would push on my pressure points.  Such sweet relief.  After upping my pitocin and getting on my hands and knees, I progressed pretty fast.  Started pushing around 7:50pm, and Sam was born at 8:46pm weighing 7lbs and 19.75 inches long.  She is perfect and we are so in love.   We came to find out that they had started prepping the OR for a c-section.  The nurse told me my willingness to move around prevented that from happening.  YAY!  Anyway, sorry so long, it was a long night.  Here are some pics:

Right after she was born - so in love.


 Our little Elvis - she makes the funniest faces.

Lil Elvis


Diagnosis - MIF - FUIF!
#1 12R, 7M, 5F - 2- 3dt BFN - 1 totsicle became our DD.
TTC#2 since 1/12
IVF #2 - 10R, 6M, 5F - 1 5dt of a morula= BFN none to freeze.
IVF #3 (blegh) Long Lupron Protocol
ER 8/23 12R, 7M, 2F - 2 beautiful 3d 8/26
+HPT 9/3 beta #1 9/10= 78.5 #2 9/12 = 136 #3 9/14 319 #4 9/17 890 #5 9/21 2119
Little B is where he needs to be. HB 9/24. no HB 10/3. Missed m/c @ 8w. D&C 10/5 :(
IVF #4 - Antagonist Protocol
ER - 17R, 14M, 9F - 1 beautiful blast 12/13 (Our anniversary), 3 more FROZEN!! WOO HOO!
+HPT 12/17 beta #1 12/27 = 1654 (um hells to the yeah), beta #2 12/31 = 6994, 1st u/s= 1/8 (fingers firmly crossed) = HB 125. You rock little one.
Please, Please Stick. Mommy, Daddy and Big Sis love you so much.
BabyFruit Ticker
Our Totsicle is getting so big!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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