Pregnant after IF

Back From NT Scan

Had my NT scan at 8am today and I think it went well, as far as I know at this point.  The tech who did the scan was really wacky. 

The baby was measuring 11w4d (yay!) and she told me the heart rate looked good but she wouldn't measure it b/c she said it wasn't part of the protocol.  We got to see him moving his arms and legs all over. 

The baby was in, according to her, the worst possible position for pictures of the nucheal fold, so she had a hard time getting them.  She kept trying to get the baby to move.  She was finally able to get 1 or 2 pics she thought the Dr. would be happy with, but said she's not allowed to interpret the results - only take the pictures - although she didn't want us to worry, so she told us it didn't look suspicious and gave us a preliminary thumbs up.  The Dr. is supposed to review the pics and my b/w results today and I'm supposed to get a call.  I don't know whether she looked at the nasal bone or not - she didn't say anything about that. 

Anyone else not get their results on the spot like this?

TTC in 2008. Stage II/III endo, Hashimotos hypothyroid, low morph (3%).
2 cycles Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/Crinone=BFN.
IUI #1 - 4 Follistim/Ovidrel/IUI/Crinone = BFN.
IVF #1 - Antagonist w/ ICSI 4/10. 17 retrieved, 5DT of 2, BFN :(
IVF #2 - Long Lupron w/ ICSI 6/10. 15 retrieved, 3DT of 2, BFFN!!
Lap 7/21/10
IVF #3 - Clomid/Antagonist w/ ICSI 10/10. 14 retreived, 3DT of 3, BFP 10/20 but m/c. No HB 11/15/10 - D&C 11/17/10.
FET - 2 blasts, 1 survived the thaw. Transfer 2/19. Beta #1 3/1 375, Beta #2 3/3 885, Beta #3 3/8 4261, Beta #4 3/11 9005. U/S 3/8 1 sac 1 yolk, U/S 3/16 1 heartbeat 114bpm!.

James Paul born Oct. 24th 2011 via c-section at 38 weeks!

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
"Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others."

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