Pregnant after IF

1st Ultrasound Update

I had my first ultrasound today and I am 5 weeks 4 days. We have one beautiful little blob, we saw the gestational sac, egg sac and fetal pole. He said next week I will see the heartbeat. He said the 2nd embryo looks like it tried to implant but didnt. I am so excited and this feels so surreal. Next ultrasound is next week!! So another week of waiting!

TTC 8/09 C/P 10/09
B/W & SA & HSG Results = Normal
IUI#1 & #2 Clomid = BFN
IUI#3 Follistim + Progesterone = BFN
IVF - 2/20- BCP 3/6 - Lupron 3/17 - Follistim & Menopur
ER - 3/27 25 eggs retreived 18 fertilized ET - 4/1 transferred 2 embies = BFP!!! Beta#1 = 476 Beta#2 = 1,177
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