Pregnant after IF

Lunch. What do you do?

I am in need of coming up with some new lunch options.  I eat out too much and I have a hard time packing my lunch.   I just dont know what to pack!  I used to buy bread, lunch meat, cheese and keep it in my minifridge and eat it all week.  Now that I dont eat lunch meat I am eating PB&J which I am sick of, and canned soups. 

I snack on nuts, yogurt, fruit, fiber one bars, granola bars, randomly through the day and keep a freaking pantry in my filing cabinet.  What else can i have?  I am drawing a blank.



TTC#2: septum removed, 2 losses, Stage 2 Endo, thin lining, slight MFI
iui #5 2/7 + 2/8 = BFP!! 11 dpiui
Beta #1 2/18 11dpiui= 46, Beta #2 13dpiui 150, Beta #3 16dpiui 584!!
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