Pregnant after IF

Birth story (long) and PIPs :)

Hi ladies!  Thanks so much for all the congrats and well wishes for our sweet Elizabeth.  I keep trying to get on here, but between getting adjusted to our new little one and just staring at her all day long, I just haven't had the chance :)

We went in last Thursday morning at 5:30 to start the induction.  They got me checked in and hooked up to the IV by 6am and the Pitocin was flowing by 6:10.  I was about 4cm when we got there and yet still hadn't actually felt any contractions, though they assured me that the I would soon with the Pitocin, even with the low dose they were starting me on.  At 7:30, my dr came in and broke my water, which was kinda weird.  Around 10am, I actually felt my first uncomfortable contraction, though it wasn't too bad and I could still talk through it.  After about 3 more of those, they checked and said I was 7-8cm so they gave me the epidural...which was glorious.  I didn't feel a thing after that and if my husband hadn't been telling me that I was showing a contraction on the monitor, I would've never known. 

At 11:45, my OB came in and said she was on her way to a lunch meeting but wanted to check my progress and see where we were at...she was expecting we still had a few hours.  Well apparently I was at 10cm and 100% effaced and baby girl was totally dropped and ready to come out.  Eek!  So in the least dramatic fashion ever, the nurse set up the bed for delivery and with just me, my husband, the nurse and my dr in the room, I started pushing at 11:52 and baby girl came out at 12:02pm.  My dr kept saying that was the easiest birth she's ever done - we are soooo thankful for that easy experience because I am usually a huge wimp when it comes to pain and had been very anxious about this delivery :)

Elizabeth Marie came into the world with the cutest little cries and big, alert blue far, the happiest moment of my life!  She weighed 6lb 7oz (which she was already back up to by the time we were discharged from the hospital) and was 19.25" long.  Except for some spitting up issues early on, she is doing great!  The pedi switched her from regular formula to Alimentum on day 2 and it's made a huge difference...I figured feeding would be tough because my mom couldn't breastfeed me or my sister and she had to feed both of us special formula.  But luckily this fancy formula seems to be doing the trick and she eats like a champ now!  

I could be really sappy, but I'll spare you guys, haha...this is amazing though and totally makes up for all the tears, heartache and pain that we've gone through over the last few years.  Now I can see that it was all worth it!

Here she is right after she was born:


and this is what she does best :)


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