Single Parents

I feel so guilty...

I'm pregnant with my first child, and the father is my boyfriend/best friend/partner person of 5+ years.  However, we are unmarried, not living together, and I don't own a home.  I'm 24, have a good full-time job with promotion potential, have earned my college degree, good credit score, etc.  I love kids, have worked with them for 15+ years, and have no doubts that I'll be the best possible mommy for my daughter... BUT... I just feel really guilty that the pregnancy was unplanned and my parents' first grandchild will be an "illegitimate" one. 

I know that in today's economy the "traditional/normal" timeline of education-> good jobs -> marriage -> buy house -> start family doesn't apply to a lot of families anymore, but I can't help feeling somewhat awful about my situation not being as ideal as it could have been. 

While I shouldn't be worrying about other people's opinions of me, it's important that I can embrace my pregnancy and be proud of my daughter without having those sinking feelings of "crap, one more unmarried mother making more kids in this world" and wondering how the hell I'll ever become a homeowner, invest enough for retirement, and save for my daughter's education. 

Is this just a normal thought process?  Does anybody else find tears welling up in their eyes because they've "screwed up" by some set of standards, regardless of how legitimate said standards are and why we should even care about them...?  Part of my problem might be that I've terminated some previous pregnancies, so maybe I just automatically default to the "this isn't the right time/circumstances aren't right" mindset regardless of my actual ability. 

I guess this isn't so much of a question as it is a vent.  Sorry...

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