Pregnant after IF

Update (post and run)

So, my friend updated you all yesterday that I was in L&D.  My contractions spontaneously stopped (despite being strong and 2-3 minutes apart) and my cervix retreated before they could break my water so I was sent home.  I'm still having contractions though they are irregular.  I was instructed to walk as much as possible to try and get things started again.  However, because LO is so big they are going to induce me on Saturday morning if I don't go on my own.  I want to avoid a C-section and they're concerned that his shoulders will get stuck if he gets much bigger.

I was 5cm and 80% when I left so I'm hoping the walking/laundry/cleaning I'm doing will help get things moving again.  Thanks for any T&P you can send our way and I promise to post pics when Brennan makes his grand entrance!


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