January 2012 Moms

Please don't flame me

I am really scared to post this because I have seen the way other women have been treated on this board without a BFP, but I HAVE to post this somewhere or I am going to burst.

 I had a m/c 2 months ago, got AF 5.5 weeks afterwards, and two weeks after AF I got a +OPK and EWCM.  My DH and I BDd on Sunday when I think I o'd.  I have been cramping and spotting yesterday and today, and I have a feeling this might be it!

I don't know where else to turn because I can't tell anyone in my "real life" yet!!! I would be due Jan 5th.  Oh please, oh please, oh please let this be my take home baby starting to grow!!!


Please send sticky baby happy thoughts my way for a BFP in a week or so!


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