Upstate NY Babies

RP - I just got denied a fruit smoothie!

I posted this on my birth month board but thought you'd all appreciate this vent since I'm sure most of you have been to Timmy H's.

So I went to Tim Hortons for lunch and they've been advertising their fruit smoothie and I thought it looked good so I ordered one.

The lady said "Um, you're expecting, right?" and I said "yes" and she said "sorry, you don't want the smoothie, it's filled with sugar."


UMMM ok, thanks for telling me what I don't want! I don't have GD and I DO want a smoothie! I can't believe I got denied a SMOOTHIE. 

So anyways I said "ok well then I'll have the cookie instead" and she was like "oh, ok..."ha.

But either way I still really wanted the smoothie, and the more I think about it the madder I get!!!! Who is she to tell me what I can and cannot have?! It's not like I was getting a pack of cigarettes with a side of whiskey...jeeze.
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