Upstate NY Babies

Mom visiting

My mom talked to me a couple weeks ago about buying a ticket to fly out the second week of August (just her) - we're assuming baby will be here by then and that's the absolute latest she can come because of my brother and sister starting back to school on Aug. 16.  At the end of the conversation she slipped in again that it would just be her unless my aunt decides to tag along.  I talked to her again today and asked if she'd bought her ticket yet and she said no.  I told her the time would work well but I wanted it to just be her.  We don't have a guest room anymore, and I just think with the newborn, it would be best to limit people's visits (they're going to want to stay here....).  I told her how with G, I was constantly in the living room at night trying to nurse, get him to sleep, etc.  Now she's saying she doesn't know if she wants to fly alone.  She's only ever flown once before, so I understand she's nervous, but it's a direct flight and I know it will be ok once she gets on the plane.  Am I making this a big deal?  
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