Upstate NY Babies

WWYD? baby doesn't eat

Ok, I am going bonkers. Ever since baby A started in Dec she has been a pain with her bottles. She did awesome for a month and is back to refusing them. She is 6mos now. I am so frustrated but mom doesn't seem to be bothered by it.

Example.....Friday she wouldn't touch anything until 3pm. She went all day without eating! At 3 she took baby food and 4 oz. Today I managed to get food into her for lunch but no milk.

She sends BM but I hate wasting it! She also has formula here, I usually make a bottle of that instead because I end up dumping refused BM. 

I know this isn't normal, but is it a problem? She is such a happy kid when your not trying to feed her! She never fusses due to hunger, so odd.

Do I just let it go and not stress out over her not eating? Mom has said she is the same at home, even refusing to nurse. 

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