Upstate NY Babies

Can't Wait

any longer to tell you girls. I've been really really trying to hold off this time until at  least 12 wks to share the news, but it's been so hard for me to keep it from you girls and I just can't do it any longer. :) We're expecting #2. EDD November 10th. Had our first checkup at 9 wks and so far everything looks good. HB was 178.

We're super excited but I'm super nervous at the same time, and having some guilt. I work and DH stays home with T so I only get to see her 2-3 hours a day during the week, which is really tough for me. I miss her so much and now with adding in another little one I keep feeling like it's going to be even less time spent with her.  All of our family keeps telling us it won?t' be that way. I feel terrible for even thinking and feeling like this, because this baby is very much wanted and we feel very blessed. ...Hoping it's just the hormones.

Ffeeeww. Feels good to finally get this out. We?re not making a announcement on FB for a few more weeks so those of you who are friends with me on there, please keep it on the DL.
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