Single Parents

Joining you officially

I have been refraining from posting as I don't know if anyone is looking up my posts on here or not - but have decided I want to come out and update you all on what is going - as well as say hi again and hope to be more active with the board too. Here is a link to my previous post if you need/want to catch up:

So since then I have offically seperated and filed for divorce from MH. I am now living with my folks who have been very supportive throughout everything. Of course not everything has been pretty or easy to deal with - one of those things being that MH drained both of the joint accounts, one holding last years tax return with all the money that was taken out of my checks last year and the other being the contents of a 2 week paycheck that included 2 weekend overtime shifts (that money I had planned to put away in savings for when I am on FMLA).  I have been told that I may or may not see some of that money again, but that won't be decided until the final hearing which is after the baby is born (you cannot finalize divorce in Indiana while pregnant).

Emotionally, things are difficult to deal with as they come along. I do not regret the desicion I have made, but I do mourn for the traditional family that will not be. That kind of stuff just hits me now and then. But luckily baby Sarah seems to know just when Mommy needs a kick or a jab to remind her that she is not alone :) And for this I am ever so greatful. I am seeing a counsler also to help me deal with whatever I have going on at the time and to help me to work through various things. My family has also been very supportive, I let them know by mass email what was going - very short but to the point- and have recieved an amazing response from all.

Well thank you all for reading my update/official intro and am just glad this board is here!

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