Single Parents

usually a lurker...

This week I made the decision to divorce my husband.  Thing have been bad for a while, more than bad if I'm honest with myself.  We tried counseling, but now he is on to the third counselor that he is willing to see.  Each time we start to get to dealing with issues in our relationship or the counselor starts asking him hard questions, he decides he will no longer go.  I can't work on this marriage by myself and I know I can't force him to address issues from his end, no matter how much I work on them from mine.  But I feel so lost and overwhelmed right now.  I second guess my decision and panick at the thought of raising our son on my own.  I can't allow my son to grow up in a house with yelling and screaming, where his dad says awful things to his mom and screams in her face. I know that this is the right decision, but all I want to do is cry.
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