1st Trimester

puppps... and aslo the epidural

has anyone had this? i had it with dd.. BUT.. it showed up just a few days after i had her. it stumped the ob/gyn, went to dermatologist, then back to ob/gyn.

 the cure? to deliver. i was soooo covered in hives that i couldnt remember my first 2 weeks with dd because i was in a cold bath and pretty much in extacy from scratching so much. 

i really hope i dont get it this time.. i wanna really get to know my baby as a early newborn.

also.. epidural.. ive read its hard to bond with baby if you had the epidural.. in my case i think this was true. while i wanted her when i was pg.. after i had her i had a really hard time bonding with her. i could have easily given her up. she was like an alien and i didnt feel like she was mine. took a loooong time for me really bond with her. i mean.. i would protect her like she was mine.. but didnt feel like she was mine. 

which why this time, i am trying to do no pain meds. so i can not be "out of it" when i have it and be a  happy mommy.. i also had postpartum  depression.

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