Single Parents

F/U to "Gloves are off"

I talked to my MIL last night. I calmly told her everything that happened. How I tried to talk to X like a mature adult about the divorce and how he did nothing but disrespect me, scream and threaten me (with legal action, not physically). I made sure she knew that X and I had an agreement before he went into prison and what he asked for and how I had done everything we had agreed upon only to have him do a complete 180. I also made it perfectly clear that if she backs her son financially if he decides to fight me in court she will have to also go to court to get an order to see Caroline. I told her it was not a threat or an attempt at manipulation, but simply supporting him in a selfish fight would make me lose trust in her. I want her to be in DD's life, but I can't trust someone who completely sides with a pedophile. I also made it clear that right now she sees DD whenever she has a weekend day off (twice a month) and I have even driven up there to see her on holidays... if she sues for grandparent visitation she will see DD LESS.

MIL listened and seemed to be on my side. At one point she even said she agreed with me. She said it sounded like he was just scared and had a bad reaction? Well, he needs to get himself in check because he is going to ruin it for his whole family and end up making things ugly. He will also be hurting his daughter which above everything else P!SSES ME OFF! His actions have already set up obstacles for her to overcome all before she was even born!

In the end she said she was going to talk to him and try to get him to sign the papers. BUT she ended the conversation with  ?I will talk to him and try to make him understand and see what he wants to do?? WHAT!!! How about YOU do what YOU think it right and not what your criminal son want to do?!?!! I think she is too weak to put her foot down even if she doesn?t want to get a lawyer? I told her how I feel and what would happen if she and her son try to fight me? so nobody can?t say I wasn?t honest?


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