Single Parents

New here and sooo lost!

My husband and I seperated last month. After my son was born my eyes were opened and I finally saw very clearly that my husband had a long list of problems that were not getting better. Alchohol abuse, Gambling addiction, infidelity, and i SUSPECT drugs. I am terrified that he is going to get split custody (he retained a lawyer and plans to fight for split custody). I have never been seperated from my 8 month old so I am having anxiety and depression threw the roof just at the thought of not having him every single day, let alone leaving him with his father who in my eyes is not fit at this time. I am fighting for supervised visits. If any of you girls have been threw this, what was the outcome? I live in NJ and im being told that the judges in this state are very pro father, ecspecially the judge i've been assigned.

  I have proof of the gambling, he has a criminal record for sexual assault(which i never knew about until i went to get a restraining order last week) however i have no proof that he is an alchoholic, with the exception of a journal i've kept that is filled with stories of him drinking and driving and coming home wasted at 3am, every lawyer i talk to tells me i NEED proof of the drinking problem. What am i going to do???

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