Babies: 0 - 3 Months

N is sleeping 4-6 hrs :)

It took a week but the Nutramigen and ColicCalm have finally started working. N is now sleeping 4-6 hrs, not at night unfortunately but in the evening from about 4:00pm-sometimes 10:00pm, he's done this for two days. I'm so happy that's he's now able to rest peacefully and longer then 15-20min and then crying. He's a much happier baby, coos and smiles and plays on his play mat for 30-45 min twice a day. He naps in his bouncy chair and I don't have to hold him all day anymore. Our life is back to normal and I couldn't ask for a better baby. Hurray for us....
Nicholas Aiden Feb.25th,2011 at 12:58pm 5lbs 4oz 18" Photobucket Lilypie First Birthday tickers 32 week 4D Ultra Sound & Born 2/25/2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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