Single Parents

Help me come to grips with unsupervised visits!!

Crying  This is the hardest part for me, and almost makes me want to go back just so I don't have to go through this part of being separated....

DH hasnt done anything wrong to require supervised visits, but since we've been separated I've only let him see DD when I'm present.  Now he's asking me to let him take her for the day (Saturday) and I've been putting him off.  I've seen an attorney and she says to basically appease him and she thinks he will eventually go away (not sure how much I believe this).  I wanted to get a legal custody agreement between the 2 of us, but she thought that doing that now would only piss him off and he would fight me for more visitation than what he's currently asking just because he's an ass like that (now this I DO think will happen).

So, my problem is... DH has every right to take DD for the afternoon but I just cant help but be sad/upset about this.  What can I tell myself that will make it a little easier?

 Background:  I left DH b/c he is chronically under/unemployed, smokes pot (though now says he's clean and has found Jesus), and was a pretty lousy parent since she was born.  DD is 3 months old.


ETA: I created an AE, b/c I'm just not comfortable using my "real" SN. 

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