Single Parents

I am scared

A short back story.

 Me and DH have been fighting for the last year or so and things seems to be getting worse and worse. He is a bad alcoholic  and he was on drugs before we met. I have had suspesions that he is using again. It has gotten so bad my mom who lives across the street has had to come get the kids twice and call the cops 4 times in the last month. 

 He came home this afternoon and after being off work today was obviously really drunk and I think under the influence of drugs. He broke the door at the house and a few things in our kitchen and busted the a window. This time I called the cops. I want it documented so when we go to court there is no questions. 

 I am so afraid of my 7 month old having to go stay with him overnight or at all. He has bad anger problems obviously. I have also never been away from my son for that amount of time and it terrfies me. He has never cared for him alone or kept him. I am not confident he even knows how to take care of him. I also h ave a 6 yr old who he has been here for since he was 3 but he is not on his legal father.

Any advice on how to handle kids having to be gone all weekend? Is this something I will eventually get to use to and be fine with? Is it really as bad as I think its going to be?


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