Upstate NY Babies

My speeding neighbor followup

So I come home from work today and sitting in the middle of the counter is a nail.  Pretty big, like a 2 inch nail.  I ask DH why we have a random nail on the counter and he says he found it under his windshield wiper this morning on his truck.  He parks in the driveway bc there isn't enough room in the garage with my car and his bike stuff and dd's outdoor toys bc his truck is so big.

I'm so pissed bc I hate confrontation and I just knew there was going to be retaliation.  So this means they came on to our driveway (dh parks up by the house).  It didn't damage anything bc dh saw it before even driving.  But still, I am not exactly mad at DH bc I do think people speed and it is dangerous.  But I am just not happy to be in this situation.  I just hope this is the end of it.

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