Single Parents

feeling weak today

do/ or did you ever catch yourself sitting once again, at home alone wanting to be back with ex. Its been about a month and a half and sometimes I just want to go back to how it was... I want my family back. I want life to go back to how it was... I miss him. I know i shouldn't, i should not want to see his lying, cheating face... i should want better for myself, but right now all i want is a txt or a call from him... i want to pretend i never found out he was cheating and just have him again. I feel pretty pathetic when i sit here typing this... but today i just cant seem to shake these thoughts and feeling. 

SN- i think its been hard lately bc we still do activities together with our daughter... he comes to her dr appts then we will do lunch together, he came today to get her ears pierced with me, and he is coming tomm to her pictures. and we have a good time, but then he leaves and i know he is talking to all his other "girls" while i sit alone and lonely... 

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