Rhode Island Babies

HELP - problems at work with pregnancy

Any advice that ANYONE has would be helpful. I told my employer on January 11th that I was expecting my 1st child (I just found out 2 days before). At the time they were veryunderstanding and said to take as much time as I needed, etc. I work for a small company in Cranston that only employes a total of 5 people (including the 2 owners & myself).  I am now being told my OTHER co-workers that the owners have discussed with them their concern for me being out. I have requested a meeting to talk to them about my intentions (which I previously did in January by stating I was planning on taking 8-10 weeks depending on my delivery and would return to work after) and they were fine with that. Now it's like they are pushing me out. I am on the verge of a mental breakdown! I wish they would have told me when I was 4 1/2 weeks pregnant that they were concerned rather than being 17 weeks. Nobody is going to hire someone who is pregnant knowing they will be out for 2 months. I am due Spetmeber 21st and at a loss for words. This is supposed to be the happiest time of my life and instead, I am so stressed! FMLA does not protect me because of the size of the company. PLEASE ... does anyone have any advice?
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