Upstate NY Babies

A novel sized vent...

I may end up DD'ing this out of shame- I feel bad b/c I should be happy to have 3 healthy babies but (not to sound like an idiot) it is SO, SO, SO much harder than I imagined.

Brandon's thrush was just starting to clear up... now Natalie is starting & I'm pretty sure by my stinging/burning nips that I have it too now. The nighttime routine for the 2 of them is killing me, it seems like as soon as once dozes off the other wakes right up crying- in a cycle. Justin had what we thought was an earache but the nurse's line seems to think is a molar coming in so he was up almost all night crying for me- once he had tylenol he was okay (he hasn't been up mid-night in like a year, at least). By the time the twins were dry, fed and both asleep it was 1am, Justin woke up at 2am and was up 3x in an hour so I gave him tylenol and climbed in his bed to sleep until the B was up 1.5 hours later. Then Justin was up for the day at 6:30. I don't know how I'm going to do this.

We walked to the park today and Justin played so nice but the babies were both super unhappy and took turns crying. Secretly, in my head, I missed the "just Justin" days, then cried for feeling so guilty. I knew this would be a challenge but it is 100x harder than I would have ever thought.

Thanks for reading :(

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