Upstate NY Babies

Random Poll

I get the best polls from PAL!

1.) What are you doing today/tonight?
We went to breakfast then took Stella for her blood work.  That sucked.  DH chopped wood and DD & I went to watch my  niece bowl.  We played outside for a while and now DD & DH are napping.  We'll be going to the hockey game later.

2.) Who is/will be the stricter parent in your relationship?
Probably DH

3.) Is it raining where you are?
Nope, it's beautiful!

4.) How many loads of laundry do you do in a week?
4-5, including DDs

5.) Can you draw well?
I can't even draw a stick figure!

6.) What's your favorite kind of juice?
Apple or pineapple...but I usually only drink juice before I go for an u/s to get the baby moving!

7.) What was the last thing you purchased for yourself?
An iced coffee this morning

8.) Do you enjoy museums?
Yeah, mostly history related ones, not so much art.

9.) Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Couples Swept Away, Negril Jamaica

10.) What time do you usually go to bed?
9:00 during the week, 10:00 or 11:00 on the weekends

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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