Single Parents

Sometimes I feel bad for STBXH

STBXH has12 hours per week with DS per our temporary custody agreement.  However, since he broke up with OW (I like to call her "Driving Ms. Daisy" as that was her main role in his life), he has no transportation and therefore can't pick up DS or even come over to our house to see him as he doesn't have a ride to or from.

I know it's his fault for the position he finds himself in and the choices he's made have caused these difficulties, but sometimes I do feel bad for him because I know how much he wants to spend time with his son.  I can't imagine being so close (he lives about 10 miles away maybe?) but not being able to physically get to where your child is located.  Seems to be an eye opening experience for him though, which is probably a good thing since he's never had to deal with the repercussions of any of his actions.

It saddens me that seeing DS grow is one of the only things he has going for him right now, and he hardly even gets that because of his past choices, even though he wants to be 100% involved.

Any advice on how I should handle it?  Just keep abiding by the arrangement as it's written?  Say too bad/so sad every time he misses another visit because he can't find a ride?  Offer rides or visits if (and only if) it's not an inconvenience for me?  It's not DS's fault his dad struggles and don't want him to be short changed in any way.

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