Single Parents

No way! Ugh!

Just when I was getting my hopes up (a little bit) in our court system they shut that down!  So my ExH has paid 4 payments ever towards cs and after a year of nonpayment they got him into the courts for contempt.  He showed up a few times and they gave him a little slap on the wrist and told him to get a job, get unemployment do SOMETHING.  So the last time they threaten to put him in jail if he doesn't pay something so what does he do?  Just doesn't show up for the next date.  Easy enough.  That = automatic bench warrant.  Great.

It's been a year and NOTHING.  He doesn't come see DS (which is fine by me) and doesn't respond to anything the courts send him so guess what?  THEY DROP THE CONTEMPT ACTION AND THE WARRANT since they "can't locate him".

 Seriously, WTF?!!!?

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