Upstate NY Babies

Kids & stomach bugs

How long does this last?!

My 4 year old had it - was cranky Sat, Sunday/Mon she was throwing up and running to the bathroom, Tues she spent the day mostly in bed (after we ran out to buy Tangled!), and Wed she was back to school.

But my 1.5 year old has had this for a while now.  She has thrown up once a day for almsost 5 days and had diarrhea too.  Not horrible diarrhea, and she is hydrated/has wet diapers.  She had her 18m pedi visit yesterday and the pedi said she's doing fine.

Any idea how long this lasts?  Yesterday she seemed fine and then she threw up unexpectedly in the evening.  I keep thinking I'm ok to go out, but then DD is sick.

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