Single Parents

DH to me: "Open your eyes. You did this."

I knew that addicts placed the blame on others but I don't think I was ready for this:

 "Once again you are the victim. Open your eyes. You did this. I'm sorry but it's hard for me to feel bad for you. I would never have done that to you and you have plenty of faults, trust me"

What he's reacting to is finding an angry letter that I wrote and had no intention of giving him (it was a vent letter). It listed all of his faults (and there's a lot). And it said things like "you can either be a bachelor or a family man. However, if you choose to keep living like a bachelor, you need to do it somewhere else."

Anyway, I'm not sure why I'm posting this. I guess to hear from others and have you guys give me a little encouragement if you could, please.  I'm really starting to believe him. 

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