Upstate NY Babies

My cat bit me...

So early Saturday morning my cat bit me.  He bites a lot.  We are planning to put him down soon because he's too nasty to be around a baby.  He hadn't bit in a long time, but around 5 AM I woke up to him having just bitten my arm.  It was pretty deep and it bled, but I washed it out with anti bacterial soap and put neosporin on it.  This has happened before and it was not a huge deal.  That day and yesterday it felt fine.  This morning I woke up and it was really sore and red, so now I'm in urgent care waiting to see a Dr.  I'm not worried about toxoplasmosis because he's an indoor cat, but I am freaking out that it is infected and it's going to do something to the baby, or that they will have to give me drugs that will do something to the baby.  Anyway, this was more just a post for me to get out a freakout.  :)  I hope it turns out ok!
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