Upstate NY Babies

Random Saturday night ramblings

1. I am so happy that I decided to stay home from the hockey game tonight.  Stella has a little cold and I wanted to keep her home so she's in good shape for the party tomorrow.  I got a lot done and now I'm sitting watching a "Say Yes to the Dress" marathon and enjoying some mint chocolate chip ice cream.  Yum.

2. DH has been working his @ss off trying to get things done around the house and it looks great.  I am so lucky to have him.

3. I'm beginning to hate Smartphones.  DH got a Droid and he's on it CONSTANTLY.   Checking hockey news, FB, the weather, playing Angry Birds.  Ugh!  I've already instituted a no phone at the table rule.  I'm ready to throw the damn thing out the window.  Why do we need to be connected 24/7?

4, I sort of think I'm having a boy for the following reasons:  I'm  having salty cravings vs. sweet cravings I had with DD.  At my u/s on Friday the HB was 152....DD's was never that low.  I'm afraid to even admit this b/c I'm afraid I'll be disappointed that I won't have the opportunity to experience having a son if we have another girl, even though we'd be more than thrilled with another little girl.

That's all for now, hope you are all having a great weekend! 

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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