Upstate NY Babies

WWYD- DD throwing up in store

Looks like we are in for a run of the flu :-(  Bri was perfectly fine, until we started shopping at Price Chopper.  She was really tired and fell asleep in the cart, then woke up and vomited down the front of herself, on the cart and the floor :-(  I was 3/4 the way through shopping.  I was torn what to do.  I told an employee about the floor and waited a minute while he came back with something to clean it, I didn't want anyone to slip on it or anything.  Then I went and got a roll of paper towels and wiped her up (I bought them).  She wasn't throwing up any more but had vomit on her, I wasn't sure if I should leave my cart and go, or check out.  I ended up going to check out, the lines were long so when a manager I am familiar with walked by, I told her B had thrown up, she opened a line for me and checked me right out as quick as possible.  I still used my coupons :-( I felt guilty but they were all ready.  I missed a few but it wasn't worth worrying about.  I am going to write a thank you to PC praising that manager/supervisor.  Would you have just left?  Still checked out?
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