Upstate NY Babies

Another Babysitting Question

DH has a co-worker (well, up until a few months ago) that lives a couple of blocks away. He has a teenage daughter - but young...maybe 13?? Assuming they let her stay out that late - would you be ok with a 13 year old watching your kids from like 9-12? In all honesty...she wouldn't even see the kids, probably...she would just have to be able to call 911 and if they woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep - we would just come home.

She already said she wants to be our babysitter, haha!! And she's taken her courses and everything. I would like to bring her over as a mommy's helper this summer a bit too. But like I said - I'd like to get a night one started.

And if you all say "No way" and I still do it...will you judge me? Haha!

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