November 2011 Moms


Ok I go to an OB clinic that only does one u/s. I am good with that. Well due to my husband's 2 jobs. There is literally one time that actually works for him. I had called the past few days to find out if May's book is ready for appointments (only clinic in town and it fills fast) and explained to them what I was trying to do. Everyone assured me that I could do this but I just called and now that the book is open, they won't let me make an appointment until the doctor "calls for it" at my next appointment. Even though I know that the May appointment would be the u/s appointment.


I know this is tiny in the grand scheme of things but I felt like I had been patient with only getting one u/s and wanting it to be when my DH could be there - I didn't feel like that was asking too much. 

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