Upstate NY Babies

Didn't think I'd do this...

But I'm going to share names with you all because I really want some input. PLEASE don't mention them on FB because it's really important to me that my family (in particular) not know the baby's name until she is born.  

Back story - When I was a little girl, I watch Savannah Smiles all the time with my grandpa and sister.  When he was dying, she and I recited lines from the movie to him in the hospital and it was the only thing that made him react in any way. That was the name we decided on when we were pregnant with G.  I still really want to use it, but now DH isn't so sure. 

The only combo we've found that we like is Savannah Rylee.  But, DH wants to call her by the mn which is what I posted about the other day.  I think Rylie Savannah (yes, different spelling, I don't know if I'm a fan of the -ee spelling for a fn) sounds great and I'm still super happy that Savannah is involved, but DH doesn't like how it sounds that way.  

So, a couple questions - which do you prefer?  Savannah Rylee or Rylie Savannah (or a different spelling you can suggest?  Now that you know the name that I was keeping secret, do you have a combo with either Savannah as a fn or mn that you want to suggest?  Is Rylie bad for a girl's name?

I thought about just waiting until she's born to decide, but I really want to have a onesie made with her name on it for the hospital just like we did with G.  Thanks for your help! 


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