November 2010 Moms

How long does LO nap for?

The NCSS says it should be at least 1.5 hours to get through all the cycles- I hope that is more for older babies! I thought HSHC said at least 45 minutes. Ds usually naps for 45-60 min if I hold him or in the moby (wakes up instantly if I put him down), so I thought we were doing good. Sometimes he will nap for 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon. I'm wondering if he's not chronically overtired then. Ugh, I'm kind of feeling like the more I read about baby sleep the worse I feel. I'm totally second guessing myself on it all these days and with him eating when he wakes, before a nap and around the 3 hour mark if one of those others didn't apply I feel like I'm misinterpreting his hungry and sleep cues.
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