Upstate NY Babies

Past bf-ers and soothing

For those that used to bf, especially if you used it for soothing...  Do you find it difficult to soothe once you have weaned?

DD had a nightmare a couple nights ago and it was so hard to get her to calm down.  Or maybe she was in pain from teething, I don't know.  But even once I got her down stairs and with tylenol and drank milk and watching Thomas, she was still crying.  It was hard bc I just did not know what was wrong and how to help her.  In my desperation I even offered to let her nurse.  I don't even know what I would have done if she had tried!  She hasn't nursed in 3 months.

She doesn't really like hugs and kisses when hurt.  Or at least, they don't seem to make anything all better.  She doesn't cuddle.  I usually find distraction works the best (like giving her a sticker or taking her outside), but I wish I could actually soothe her.  I feel like I used bfing as the cure-all for so long that I relied on it too much.

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