Upstate NY Babies

Evan's first speech appt is scheduled

Yay - so excited, haha!!

We had our meeting today and he needs speech 2x per week and special instruction 2x per week. Starting on April 11th.

They want him to get a hearing test - and we're going to wait a bit on that after I asked the speech therapist if she thought that would be ok...we just don't want to subject him (or us) to that right away. Since he says all his letters great - we doubt her has a physical hearing issue - just more of a "I'm too busy playing with this to turn and look at that noise right now"...but the speech therpist will look at this more and we'll take him if she thinks we should.

He also will get evaluated by an OT sometime soon.

They actually have Early Intervention playgroups that we can try to get involved in too- to work on social stuff. I don't want to go overboard with things...but there are SO little social things around here so maybe we'll try one of those as well.

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