Upstate NY Babies

Feeding Solids Help

DS has been eating solids since about 5 months old.  I'm not sure when we should add another "meal" throughout the day.  Right now his schedule is:

7:15am nurse before I go to work, 8:15-8:45 DH will feed him cereal with fruit, 10:15 he gets a 4oz bottle of breastmilk, 12:15 another 4oz bottle, 2:15 another 4 oz bottle, 4:30 he will nurse when I get home from work, 5:30-6:00 he'll eat 2 cubes of a veggie and sometimes some finger foods (usually ends up on the floor), then he'll nurse again before bed between 7 and 8. 

My Mom thinks that he should "need" to eat every 2 hours throughout the day and keeps telling me that he's hungry so we should give him another "meal".  He's growing appropriately- 85% for weight and height!  He seems satisfied after his 4oz bottles.  I don't know!!!  Any thoughts?  HELP!

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