Parenting after a Loss

I feel like I have a newborn again

OMG. I don't know how many more nights of this I can handle. DH has been out of town since last Wednesday and of course DS got a cold that day. He slept in my room and was up about 4 times a night, which I could handle. Until last night, when he was up every 45 minutes. And his cold seemed like it was better! I don't know what the deal is. His 2 bottom teeth are broken through, so they shouldn't be hurting anymore right? He had some gas but that usually doesn't mess him up so bad.

Off to chug some coffee.

BFP #1- 1/16/09- Baby Ava stillborn at 32 weeks, possible cord accident, 7/30/09
BFP #2- 1/5/10- Baby Jack born at 37w2d, 6lbs 13 oz, 8/24/10
BFP #3- 7/30/11- Baby Boy Due April 3, 2012
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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