Upstate NY Babies

*Birth Story*/updates

Hi everyone! Thanks for all the nice comments on our pics! The babies and I are doing great. Recovery so far has been a breeze, both babies are snoozing away so I figured I'd update.

Thursday morning we checked in at 7:30am- got my IV, had some family visit, did paperwork and were ready to roll at 9:30. We had about 15 people in the waiting room & the Dr estimated about an hour for surgery & stitches. They told DH they'd be back for him in 10 minutes and he joked, "don't forget about me". Got into the OR and got in position for the spinal. Drew marks, got "taped", numbed, spinal inserted... was sending shocks, but only down my left side. So I was told we had to start over. Same thing- we needed a 3rd attempt. I guess because of my short waist combined with the size of the babies my spine was so compacted he couldn't find a "space" to get the spinal in, so they attempted a combo epidural which failed. After more 45 minutes and 5 attempts, they started to discuss knocking me out- which of course made me super upset, so they called the chief/chairman of anesthesia. Thank God he was able to find a "space" on the 1st try and we were good to go. As soon as I laid down, I started to sweat and got really hot. DH said when he came in the room I was totally white, my eyes were rolling back in my head and I was responding to my name. Turns out my blood pressure fell super fast and they had to give me IV meds & oxygen. FINALLY after all this drama, the babies were taken out 1 minute apart- scored 9/9 on their apgars and were wrapped up and brought right to us. Once in recovery, I had to have this heated blowy blanket put on me b/c of a body temp/blood pressure issue but within 2 mins I had both babies and our families were in loving on them with us.The staff has been so nice and several nurses have told us they are the biggest twins they've ever seen :)

Justin seems pretty un-interested but has told me about 300x that they are "pruney", haha! Here's my little loves napping this morning



imageimageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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