Upstate NY Babies


I got dd new shoes.  She no longer can wear the styles she used to bc she can no longer be considered an "early walker".  Booo!  She probably shouldn't have been when I last bought them in December, but oh well.  So now these new shoes, they are harder and the tongue gets pushed in now that I have to jam her foot in there.  So annoying!  Plus, dd is frustrated bc she can no longer put them on herself with the new style.  Does this happen to anyone else?  I'm hoping they loosen up.


Oh - and anyone still use socks with grippies on the bottom?  That is all we use bc of having all hard woods or linoleum in the house.  Well, the stride rite lady told me that they are the worst thing for feet.  That first of all, it would be like us having a rubber band in our shoe.  And more importantly, that as you slide their feet in, the grippies pull back so their toes can't really extend and spread out when they walk, instead they are all curled up.

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