Upstate NY Babies

When did you decide on a name?

When had you officially picked your baby's name?  Was it one you had always wanted to name your kids, or you were brainstorming to the very end?  Did you have a pool of final names to choose from once your baby was born?  Etc?

We didn't even really truly brainstorm until 20 weeks, because I didn't want to spend a ton of time thinking about it without knowing the sex.  With DD#1, we kept trying to come up with names for a while, but I think around 30 weeks we came up with Natalie and immediately agreed that we loved it.  We were sure about the middle name too (similar to my mom's name) but decided on spelling the day we left the hospital.

DD#2, the only name we both liked was Hailey.  I got a lot of negative feedback (why, oh why did I ever tell people our name ideas..) but it remained our top choice.  I was still open to other ideas towards the end but it was pretty much decided about a month before she was born.

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