Upstate NY Babies

Armed and dangerous...

For breastfeeding that is! Wink  I hit up the library for some books today before buying any, and I'm excited! I'm really hoping to try to breastfeed and see how it goes. I don't have unrealistic expectations, and am fully supportive of ladies who chose to ff or can't bf, but I really want to give this a try and see how it goes...

Both my mom and mil are completely against it for "convenience" reasons...and that is making me even more determined to try! Big Smile  In fact, my mil offered to stay with us for a week after baby to "take over those 2am feedings" and I had to bite my tongue because I almost asked her how when he will be (hopefully) attached to my boob at that time, lol.

Their passive/aggressive tactics to discourage me are only feeding my stubborn streak to really give this my best shot...*sigh*...I just love these pregnancy hormones!

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