Upstate NY Babies

it has to get better, right?

things have been pretty crappy around here lately.

DH's still does not feel well, while his BP has going down considerably (he loves stopping at the BP machines in any store and checking it now) it's most likely due to the meds.  his speech is getting worse though and he still has trouble with his hand. he goes back to his primary doc on friday and has an appt with the neuro doc in may. none of the write ups he found online for his neck disk problem mention a speech problem. lovely. 

meanwhile his problems has only shortened his already minuscule fuse and i only have to look at him to set him off, throw a 22 month old with an equally small amount of patience and you have a house full of temper tantrums and there ins't enough Calgon to take me away from these animals. i have to do most of the stuff around the house, DH helps, but he get's so frustrated that it's just easier (and quieter) if i just do it. 

michael has stopped using 'mmmoe' for more now everything is 'up', occasionally he'll say 'shoe' and the ever popular 'titty' for kitty. when it isn't saying 'up' he like to say 'ta-dow' or 'ta-doo' and i have no freaking clue what he's talking about. the ST was equally confused with his defiant non-use of 'mmmoe' today which he was using almost regularly last week, but she did notice him using a few new consonant sounds and he does change inflection and while he won't repete the exact sounds we make he'll mimics the syllables. this is all good news but he still won't talk, scream yes, talk no.

work has been nutso. in addition to the huge price increase project i have to deal with the gm of our division has had me working on his business plan for the board for the last week. in it is a workflow chart of the who's who and what they do. all fine and good except that i'm listed as the admin to one of the salesmen and i think it looks incredibly bad. if i were on the board i'd be asking why one of the 10 salesmen has their own admin. technically it wasn't supposed to be that way, my direct boss (the salesman, who is a nice old man) was supposed to be the head of a sub dept that strictly dealt with the national accounts.  that didn't work out and the eastern half of the state's national accounts are now split up amongst the sales reps out there and my boss only deals with the wny. it's silly that they haven't moved me, in addition to my national acct billing and admin, i do everything for everyone else int he division. and while i love my sweet old boss he hasn't given me a raise (though maybe even though he would authorize one, maybe he can't b/c technically he has two bosses over him? idk) anyways i was tempted to say something to the gm when i was putting is business plan together the other day(and it looks great if i may say so- i make lovely graphs and charts) but he was in a mood so i didn't- i'm so chicken with it comes to these things.


whoa that got long, hopefully i didn't put you to sleep with my ramblings. i'm glad everyone is doing well. i get to read most of the posts but i just don't get to post that often. sorry again for missing the las gtg, maybe we can plan one for april?

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