Upstate NY Babies

A Way TMI BM Question (I'm warning ya!)

When do LO's start to have "formed" BMs?  DD (20mos) has never had a formed BM-they are always very loose. I never thought anything of it, figuring it was normal. Today was the first time she had a BM at daycare. When I picked her up, the daycare provider was like "I just want you to know that she had a very loose BM today-just letting you know so you can keep an eye on it". I'm sure she had a regular BM....Now it makes me wonder-are her BM's normal or is this something I should be worried about?  Like I said, I thought things were fine, but maybe having loose stool isn't the norm? For more's not diarrhea (watery), but like a stew/chili consistency (sorry!).
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